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How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most competitive entrance exams in India for admission to prestigious management programs. CAT assesses a candidate’s ability to think logically and make informed decisions, and a significant part of this assessment involves logical reasoning. Preparing for the logical reasoning section of CAT requires a structured approach and dedicated effort. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to prepare effectively for the logical reasoning section of CAT.

Understanding the Logical Reasoning Section

Before diving into the preparation strategy, it’s essential to understand what the logical reasoning section of CAT entails. This section typically consists of questions that assess your ability to analyze, interpret, and solve problems using logical reasoning. The questions can be categorized into various types, such as puzzles, seating arrangement, coding-decoding, and data sufficiency, among others.

  • Develop a Strong Foundation

To excel in the logical reasoning section, you need to build a strong foundation in basic logical concepts. Start with fundamental topics like syllogisms, logical deductions, and critical reasoning. Understanding the underlying principles will help you tackle more complex problems effectively.

  • Practice Regularly

Practice is the key to mastering logical reasoning. Solve a wide range of problems from various sources, including CAT previous year question papers, mock tests, and dedicated logical reasoning books. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at identifying patterns and solving problems efficiently.

  • Time Management

Time management is crucial during the CAT exam. Each logical reasoning question is time-consuming, so you must learn to allocate your time wisely. Practice solving questions within a specific time frame to simulate real exam conditions and improve your time management skills.

  • Study Smart, Not Just Hard

Don’t just solve problems randomly; analyze your mistakes and understand the logic behind the correct answers. This will help you identify your weak areas and work on improving them. Additionally, maintain a notebook to jot down useful tips, shortcuts, and important concepts you come across during your preparation.

  • Learn Problem-Solving Techniques

Logical reasoning questions often require innovative problem-solving techniques. Familiarize yourself with various approaches to tackle different types of problems. Sometimes, unconventional methods can save you valuable time during the exam.

  • Take Mock Tests

Mock tests are an integral part of CAT preparation. They not only help you gauge your progress but also familiarize you with the exam’s format and difficulty level. Analyze your performance in mock tests to identify areas where you need improvement and refine your strategy accordingly.

  • Join Coaching Classes

If you find it challenging to prepare on your own, consider enrolling in a CAT coaching program. Experienced tutors can guide you, provide valuable insights, and offer a structured curriculum designed to help you excel in the logical reasoning section.

  • Solve Previous Year Papers

CAT often recycles question patterns. Solving previous year question papers can give you a glimpse of the type of questions that might appear in the actual exam. Make this an essential part of your preparation strategy.

  • Work on Speed and Accuracy

In the CAT logical reasoning section, speed and accuracy go hand in hand. Practice regularly to improve your problem-solving speed without compromising accuracy. Gradually, you’ll become more efficient in handling complex problems within the given time frame.


Preparing for the logical reasoning section of CAT demands consistent effort, dedication, and a structured approach. By building a strong foundation, practicing regularly, managing your time efficiently, and learning various problem-solving techniques, you can increase your chances of performing well in this challenging section. Remember that success in CAT depends on a holistic preparation strategy that covers all sections of the exam. Stay motivated, work hard, and believe in yourself, and you’ll be well on your way to acing the CAT exam and securing admission to a top-notch management program.


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