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PGI Chandigarh Successfully Treated 35 Patients with Cryotherapy

Prof. Naveen Kalra of the healthcare department said that cryotherapy is known as cold therapy. It is a type of treatment in which the patient’s body is kept at a cold temperature for some minutes to freeze and kill the abnormal tissues.

For this, a substance such as argon gas or liquid nitrogen is used. In this treatment, cancer affects the patient’s cells are frozen by using the needle.

This article is written on the news of technology and cryotherapy used by PGI Chandigarh to treat 35 patients.


Thirty-five cancer patients are treated with cryotherapy by professionals from the departments of PGI Chandigarh. In 2018, PGI Chandigarh started to use this technology to treat cancer patients in the country.

This technique gives great relief to patients suffering from cancer-related cancer-related lung, kidney, bone, and liver, but these problems are not fit for surgery. With the help of this technique, professionals succeed in destroying cancer cells by freezing them. This success in the healthcare field is seen at the global level.

What the professionals say about cryotherapy

According to prof. Naveen Kalra, cryotherapy is known as cold therapy. It is considered a type of treatment in which the patient body is kept at a cold temperature for some time. This is done to freeze the body and kills the abnormal tissues.

During this technique, the substance argon gas or liquid nitrogen is used. In this treatment, the cells that affect cancer in the patient body are frozen with the help of a needle.

Treatment process to kill the abnormal cells.

In the step-by-step treatment, ice in infected cells for 40 min, freeze for 10 min and melt for min in the same way. When this step is repeated, crystals are formed inside the cells, which kills the cells. Along with this, because of intense cold, other cells near to affected cells shrink and reduce the blood supply.

In this way, this technique helps to inactive cancer-affected cells without surgery.

Benefits of effective cryotherapy

Here are the benefits of using the technique of cryotherapy to treat patients who are suffering from cancer disease.

  • It will give great relief to patients
  • It helps to reduce the migraine symptoms
  • It is beneficial for quick recovery from any type of pain
  • It helps to remove fat and decrease the obesity
  • Cryotherapy is effectively used to cure the skin problems
  • It improves blood circulation in the body and improves the process of delivering the nutrient and oxygen to the tissues
  • This technique is believed to be helpful in relieving muscle pain.

Expert in healthcare departments is gaining recognition continuously at national and international levels for their hard work strength. The success rate of cryotherapy also shows the great efforts by experts to provide better treatment to cancer patients.


In this article, we delivered the complete values related to cryotherapy acquired by PGI Chandigarh to treat 35 patients. Hope you completely understand this latest Chandigarh news.


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